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Year 4 Learning Examples

Y4 have learnt about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and made their own environmental art. As you can see, all that is left of it are these beautiful photos! We used some of his themes to make spirals or faces from anything natural we found on the field.

Some of Year 4 had great fun taking part in Bikability this week. The children learnt how to master control of their cycles and played games while learning.

Queen Emma had a fantastic day when Gareth from ‘The Royal Institute of Science’ came into school and did a whole day based around the theme of ‘Explosive Food’ during British Science Week. He did a show for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 where the children learnt a vast array of things such as all about how powerful our tongues are with their taste buds, why we should be eating more insects in our diet, how flammable jelly babies are and a disgusting and immersive look into our digestive system.

All classes then spent the day taking part in a variety of Science experiments including making lava lamps, removing dye from skittles, flower experiments, food chains and jelly babies dissolving in a variety of solutions.

In the evening Gareth then held a community show for all the families within the federation which was based upon ‘Rockets.’ This was full of fire and explosive experiments and it was fantastic to see so many of our families attend this brilliant event.

There was a real buzz around the school during the day and it was a super event that many of the children will remember in the future.

Falcon Class enjoyed online safety day and watched the BBC live lesson about AI. They matched up true/false statements about AI and made a poster. They also made cautionary tales about online safety using a Goldilocks story as their model. 

Congratulations to our teams who worked hard together on the Maths Challenges yesterday. One team came in second place. Well done and thank you for being wonderful representatives for Queen Emma.

In Science we designed an experiment to see what the effect of different liquids was on eggshells. We used that information to think about how and when we should brush our teeth and what the effect of different liquids was on our teeth.


Here Year 4 children are showing their amazing self portraits inspired by Picasso. We learnt about Pablo Picasso and his style of drawing and painting. Then we used that style to create our own self portraits using pencil for the realistic portrait and oil pastel for our Picasso inspired portraits. 

World Value Day

The children chose a value important to them and described how they would put the value into action.