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The Queen Edith Parents, Staff and Friends Association (PSFA) is a charitable organisation that aims to enrich the school experience for families attending Queen Edith Primary School.

The PSFA’s main focus is to raise money, which is then donated to the school to buy extras.   In the past, the PSFA was able to donate money towards a set of class tablets and more recently money has been donated to fund new playground equipment and improvements to the reading areas for KS1 & KS2.

Funds raised this year will be used to renovate the courtyard and provide an outdoor classroom for the children of our school.

Previously the PSFA has also raised money for a climbing wall and a digging area in the Key Stage 2 playground and the nursery playhouse and the big playhouse with digging areas in the Key Stage 1 playground. Funding has also been provided for new art resources across the school and an Interactive White Board for the small hall. Every year the PSFA also provides funds to purchase new books across the school.

While the main focus is raising money, the PSFA does more than that! Throughout the year it provides a range of activities for all to get involved in, socialise and ultimately have fun! It provides a great opportunity to get to know others and to feel very much a part of the school community. Have a look at our Events page (link on right of this page).

All the children from Reception to Year 6 enjoy their school disco, which are run for two different age groups. As well as discos, each year group has the opportunity to bake cakes throughout the year for their year group cake sale. The year group who raises the most money receives a cash donation to spend as they wish! Other events organised by the PSFA are a Ceilidh, an international food evening, Santa’s Grotto and a summer picnic, and every year the largest and most popular event, the summer fete.

The Associations’ support extends to co-ordinating preloved uniform sales, which are really valued during these difficult financial times.


As a parent or member of staff you are automatically a member of the PSFA. This means you are able to get involved in as much or as little as you like!

The PSFA Committee meet once per half-term and all members of the association are very welcome to attend. If you can’t come along, you can still contribute by emailing the PSFA. All the agendas and minutes for the meetings are available on the website.

In addition to supporting events with your attendance, there are many other ways you can help. Even just offering an hour of your time at an event (e.g. running a stall at the fete or selling drinks at the disco) or from home (baking for a cake sale, wrapping gifts for Santa’s grotto) would make a big difference.

There are a great number of parents who can and do help in many ways, which is greatly appreciated.

If you haven’t already done so, please add your email address to the PSFA mailing list.

Please do get in touch with us via email If you do not have access to email, please contact the school reception who are able to put you in touch with a Committee Member. You can see who we all are here.

For more information, see the PSFA 2023 Constitution document link below.  

The next PSFA Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Tuesday 14th January 2025.

Hope to see you at one of the events or meetings.