Year 3 Information
Please download our Information Booklet to find out more about the routines and expectations in Year 3. You may also wish to take a look at the Y3 Curriculum Map, which shows you the topics we will be covering in different subjects over the course of the year. Please do talk to us if you would like more information.
Y3 Parent Information Booklet 2024-25
We are keen for parents to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. To help you do this, we produce a termly information sheet, outlining our main topics and giving suggestions for how you might follow them up at home:
Topic Overview
Stone Age to Iron Age Topic Web 2024-25
Ancient Greece Topic Web 2024-25
Optional Homework
Ancient Greece Optional Homework 2024-25
No Nonsense Numbers
24-25 Spring A No Nonsense Number Facts
24-25 Autumn A No Nonsense Number Facts
Long Term Plan